Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where To Buy Iron Board Singapore

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR .....( .... Someone has in hand)

One day I opened the car door and was about to put his foot out when suddenly my attention was attracted by a strange comings and goings. I put the leg back inside and looked out to realize what was happening: there were a group of frantic ants in an orderly came and went with little bits of food in the mouth or looking for something to eat. They were all in a row or whatever they felt a certain logic in their ongoing journey. From the top of my harmless bastardy, I followed an impulse and maybe I did something terrible. I blew gently on them and then, after removing the cap of a bottle, I poured the little drops of water in an area close to them. guys ... you can not understand the uproar broke loose, looked like a scene in style "The day after tomorrow", like those American movies high tension in which a natural or artificial triggers panic in the nation until the hero comes duty to save the world. Well, the ants have loose lines and started to run like mad, all in different directions to escape, had sparked panic, utter delirium, seemed to have occurred the Last Judgement. I know that maybe I should confess to having made it so blatantly obvious the law of the jungle but I guarantee that no ant was injured. E 'was perhaps a slight slip emotional when I saw what it means to have power of life and death, control and management of other lives encased in a hand. It 'was a strange feeling. I guarantee that I am not giving the crazy, maybe even on us that there is someone pulling the strings, someone who pretends to be masters of our unconditional existence but maybe we pilot as puppets. I do not know. Perhaps with his big hand he decides to smash the planes on the ground, or raise with a kick in the ocean is so high so high as to destroy whole countries. Then I stop to look at the world and I realize that many things have caused us, which often put a fork before choosing the easy route and not the right one, that often we really in their hands the power to change things but we do not. do not know ... I decide to eat a nice chocolate ice cream and continue to make love and write what my perverted mind gives birth.


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