Dear world,
giustappunto I was thinking about you. I'm on my balcony and savor the scent of autumn in deeply peeping between the trees. The colors of the sky make me dream, it seems that someone has dipped the brush in the rainbow and has dive rtito to paint a white canvas. Should I smile in front of all this, I turn the pages of my life and thank the star that has allowed me to get here and witness such a spectacle. But I begin to pull up the zipper of my sweatshirt because the sunset is beautiful but the pleasant breeze is creeping a bit 'too much in the folds of my dress. Take a deep breath, my eyes fixed on those last rays of sunlight are making room for the stars and I take the phone in his hand.
hug my pillow and pretend I hold you tight to me.
listen to the silence of the room and I flatter myself to feel good night from your voice.
close my eyes, I fall asleep and I flatter myself to sleep with you

And in an instant without too many questions because you know that wonderful painting that opens before your eyes suddenly seems dark and empty and without emotion.